
NicoleNicol live on webcam

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NicoleNicol age: 31

NicoleNicol language spoken: english


NicoleNicol Details

Let me tell you a few words about myself. My name is NICOL, but you can just call me Niky . My best qualities are patience and creativity, but sometimGoofy, laid back, weirdddddddd .. Emotional, Overly happy sometimes..sometimes im sassy and sometime im sad... I try my best to be positive but I sometimes let my feelings out ! ^_^ hopefully you guys can except all of me lol I can be lazy. What about my character, I am a kind person. My job is to identify your needs. Given your preferences, we can easily negotiate. I want to make it comfortable and fun for us. I would love to get emotionally closer first. I don't wanna pretend, I wanna get truly hot. And you?


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